May 5, 2008

Redeeming Martha

Last week I heard a woman at my church teach on Luke 10, describing herself at times as an "accidental Martha." By that, she was referring to Martha's heart, not choosing the "good part" as her sister had, but letting her circumstances weigh on her to the extent that she could not enter into that special place with Jesus.

Well, the story of Martha does not end with this account, and in my view, Martha needs to be seen with new eyes. Of course, the account in Luke 10 has merit to be studied on its own, but to gather a more complete picture of Martha, we need to look further.

In John 11, the account of Lazarus' illness, death, and resurrection, we see that many of the Jews had come to console Mary and Martha. Martha had heard that Jesus was coming, but she did not wait for him, she went and met him while Mary remained in their house. Why did Martha go?? Martha has obviously learned a great deal since the kitchen encounter becuse in this account, we see a strong woman of faith pursuing Jesus with not just hope but also with understanding. She had chosen the good part, to be in the presence of her Lord.

Are we growing up like Martha? Are you able to articulate core doctrines of the faith as Martha learned of the resurrection? Even our grief, as shown in this account, must be Christ-centered, pursuing Jesus should not be limited to times of comfort.
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