April 8, 2008

The Reality of Apologetics for Women

Janet and her husband Jeff were both raised in the church, the evangelical community being their primary experience with matters of faith. Now Jeff is insisting that it has all been a mistake and now abides by the pluralistic spiritualities of Oprah and other segments of our society. Janet is challenged but willing to love her husband and be a witness fo Christ to him, sharing her faith whenever possible. True story.

The inerrancy of Scripture, the doctrine of the Trinity, the exclusive nature of biblical Christianity...these are just 3 areas of theology that are defended by Christian apologists in academic circles and interreligious debates. Few stop to think that many women in the church must understand these theological topics and be able to defend them. Pastors can't do everything, womens ministry leaders ought to be equipped to meet these challenges as well.

It isn't just what our kids are facing in school that requires both parents to have an unwavering understanding of the content of their faith. There are also many women in marriages where the husband is not a believer in Jesus (but is a believer in something) thus making it necessary for her to really understand what she believes. She should understand the content of her faith anyway, but this reinforces the need. Without this knowledge she is vulnerable to philopsophies not faithful to God's revelation. Without this knowledge she cannot effectively meet the needs of her unbelieving spouse. This is faith in action. God wants us to pray, but ours is also a faith of content and meaning.

Apologetics is important to womens ministry such that the women I know -and you know- can effectively give an answer for what they believe.
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Anonymous said...


Right on! Why should Women's Ministries be relegated to 'sub'-theology? Women & men (and youth and children) should all be expected to give a REASON for the hope that is within them....

Check out my wife's blog. She has the same heart for apologetics you seem to have.

http://www.confidentchristianity.blogspot.com MARY JO SHARP, MA in Christian Apologetics, Biola Univ.

Psalm 150,


Sarah J. Flashing said...

Roger, thanks so much for your comment! I have seen Two Chix on Facebook for sometime, would love to get to know the more :) There is more to discuss in the church than what women shouldn't doing and all of the events that they need to plan....women who are serious about their faith need to help other women be serious about their faith.