December 12, 2006

Press Release: Donated Aborted Children Provide Stem Cells for Treatment of 6 Year-Old Boy

For Immediate Release

Chicago, IL -December 12, 2006--The Foundation for Women of Faith in Culture decries the donation and use of tissues from aborted children for any purpose, including the treatment of Batten disease.

"Though we are very sad to hear that a young boy is suffering from the so-far incurable Batten disease, we do not believe that cures should ever come at the expense or exploitation of any human life," stated Sarah Flashing, MA, Director of Women of Faith in Culture, also fellow and consultant on women's issues with The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.

Daniel Kerner is a 6 year old boy who, last month, was the recipient of stem cells from aborted, donated fetuses in hopes of combating this rare genetic disease which usually ends the life of those afflicted before they reach their teens.

"Women of reproductive age currently receive payment for their eggs for treatment of infertility and the overly-hyped embryonic stem cell research. Her genetic material-her egg, becomes an embryo-her offspring. It doesn't remain an egg. And while these women continue to be exploited and objectified, there are even more vulnerable women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. What will protect them from the manipulative tactics of the research-at-all-costs establishment?" stated Sarah Flashing. "While the period of gestation anticipates a fruitful harvest of life, our society has taken this to mean 'kill for cures.' Women also need to open their minds and realize that their fertility is in such high demand because of the financial interests of others."

The Foundation for Women of Faith in Culture is an evangelical Christian women's ministry that seeks to be an advocate for truth on behalf of all women. WFC educates women on the issues that affect all areas of her life, assisting her in the development and practice of a Christian worldview.

For Interviews
Contact Sarah Flashing at 630.484.1855 or

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