November 8, 2007

GodBlogCon: Day 1 Highlights

This has been such a tremendous day! More than a networking of Godbloggers, this event is a reminder of the purpose for our writing and the responsibility associated with it. Whether we're solo bloggers or members of a group blog like Intellectuelle, we are playing an important role in the shaping of culture - for years to come. We're also reminded that the thoughts we put out in the blogosphere are going to stay around for a long time, so we must choose our words wisdom because not only is our own reputation at stake, severe damage can be done to our testimony if we are unguarded in our work.

Everyone I heard speak today was awesome. Al Mohler's knowledge if the 20th century media has been helpful in seeing how fast technology is moving - who the heck knows where we'll be in the next 10 years. John Mark Reynolds proved himself to be a passionate in his love for God, calling each of us to reflect in our blogs on what is good, true, and beautiful (later alluded to again by the rock star, Joe Carter.)

Every speaker was exceptional, and Bonnie's discussion on women in ministry helped everyone to consider a broader perspective on the ways women contribute to society and how we can all benefit from their use of the blogs. Women serve God in many ways, not just in local church ministry.

I'm already looking forward to next year and I hope more of you will join us!

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