January 15, 2009

For Sale: Human Dignity

Though still on my blogging hiatus, I felt compelled to respond to this news story. A 22 year old girl is selling herself online...her virginity, that is. And apparently it is worth $3.7 million to one potential buyer. The lack of moral outrage by feminism doesn't surprise me as contemporary feminism has discarded the good it once represented in order to promote a completely unfettered lifestyle. Women are free to be exploited themselves, and this is somehow empowering. In fact, I'd go so far as to suggest that by creating a culture where women's bodies, eggs, and chastity are up for sale, created is a pleasant environment for human trafficking. There is no need for restraint in a world where individuals willingly put a price tag on what is priceless.


Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for this action and the way all authorities are ignoring it due to some legal loopholes in the law, tells me how far we have sunk in our society. Maybe someone should have tried to intervene when she said she was going to do it and helped her get the money for school. Ethically, she has to live with this nightmare that will follow her and her future husband and children for a life time. We should pray for her but also try to help her.

Tiffany said...

Unfortunately, there is no outrage even in Christian communities about things like this anymore. At least a few women are recognizing the travesty this is, and are standing up to address it; while our men are stunningly silent on the issue. Why is it that so often, it is women who have to stand up and address the cultural morass that western civilization has sunk into; men are supposed to be our protectors and leaders, and they sit silently by, secretly tittilated by stories such as this instead of being outraged and speaking out. Where is this girl's father? Why hasn't he come forward to say anything about this?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up Sarah. I posted a follow-up at Faith and Facts and included a link back to your article.

Anonymous said...

Priceless my ass. It's just a bit of flesh. She shouldn't have waited this long to enjoy sex. And she's not being exploited by anyone or harmed in any significant manner. She's making choices about her own body. Feminism is about self-determination and about not letting those who view women as less than, like yourself, dictate what they can and cannot do.

Anonymous said...

Her body, Her morals, Her choice. What is it to you? It is also not fair how you are using this one woman as an example of "lack of moral outrage". And why must you bring up " This girls father"? Maybe he hasnt said anything because She is a free-thinking 22 year old adult?