October 22, 2007


Yesterday I visited a church in the area, and I greatly enjoyed hearing the sermon based on Acts 1:4-15. As the pastor spoke on the role of the Holy Spirit in the areas God has called each of us to, he shared about the contents of a book, about a particular missionary from China. I wish he had better detailed the book, the author I believe was Yung. But he offered a paraphrase from the book and it went something like this, speaking about a plea from the missionary, "Please don't pray for the fall of Communism in China as it is the instrument God is using to shape the Church in China." That was hard to hear, but I'm willing to hear more. If you know this book title, let me know.

Another must-read is this article I just found at USA Today. Written by Dinesh D'Souza, the article offers a brief historical reflection on the foundations of Christianity in science and society. Dinesh writes:

Science is based on what James Trefil calls the principle of universality. "It says that the laws of nature we discover here and now in our laboratories are true everywhere in the universe and have been in force for all time." Moreover, the laws that govern the universe seem to be written in the language of mathematics. Physicist Richard Feynman found this to be "a kind of miracle."

Why? Because the universe doesn't have to be this way. There's no particular reason the laws of nature that we find on Earth should also govern a star billions of light years away. There's no logical necessity for a universe that obeys rules, let alone mathematical ones. So where did Western man get this idea of a lawfully ordered universe? From Christianity.

The title of Dinesh's recently published book is What's So Great About Christianity.

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